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2011. 2012. 2015. 2020.

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The first year of driving is the riskiest. TIME, created in 2011, is a unique and thought-provoking dance theatre work, created as a passionate response to the harrowing escalation of teenage road deaths here in the Territory. SLIDES powerful, bold and fiercely proactive company artists deliver a performance with an honesty that is both beautiful and heartbreaking. TIME was created with the ardent hope that the NT youth who view the performance are irrevocably moved to understand the repercussions of risk taking on our roads and remember that we need them here, enjoying a full life, with us.

In 2011, TIME was first performed with 4000 senior highs school students in the Territory attending and over 650 community members. In 2011, the NT Police Commissioner, John Mc Roberts and Minister for Education, Chris Burns, were integral in making TIME a pivotal component of the 2012 Road Safety Program for Novice Drivers. Both deemed it compulsory viewing for our 4000 senior High School students (Darwin – Katherine). In collaboration with SLIDE, DLP and additional sponsor TIO, we created a season of work at the Darwin Entertainment Centre in conjunction with the emergency services who greeted the students outside the Centre with emergency vehicles on display and educational information via the Road Safety team. All government Departments worked with SLIDE to ensure that those 4,000 novice drivers arriving at the Darwin Entertainment Centre to view TIME were supported and informed. The outcome was incredible, and we definitely impacted every audience member as captured in the ABC 7.30 report on TIME.

When you view TIME, you will note that we don’t sugar coat a single moment on the stage. We layer the music, words, movement, moments and relationships that are real to Australian Youth. We offer a platform for the performers to tell stories that are confronting., with the ardent hope that youth who view this are irrevocably moved to understand the repercussions of risk taking on the roads.

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2023 Slide Youth Dance Theatre

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